Henry & James Willis Trust



Helping Worcester  Area Residents - grants to individuals and organisations

Frequently asked questions

Who can apply? Residents of  the Worcester area who have recently been treated in hospital, or have an ongoing health problem can apply to the Trust for financial support to help them recuperate. Organisations who offer therapeutic activities can apply for grants to provide specialist equipment, specialist sessions, etc.

Are applicants means tested? - No

Is there a lower or upper age limit? - No

What can be funded? A short break away from home, this could be in a hotel or holiday let.  When needed, a partner or carer can go with the applicant.  The Trust may also help with transport costs.  Trustees are also willing to consider other appropriate ways of offering assistance.

How much will the trust contribute?  -  For individuals - up to a maximum of £700.  Approximate details of how the grant will be used will  be needed before each application can be considered. For oranisations - up to a maximium of £1000.

Who can support the application? - The applicant's GP or another Health/Social Care professional e.g Support Group Co-ordinator, Specialist Nurse or Occupational Therapist.

How and when can I apply? - For individuals - see the  Application Form page on this website. Download and complete, and return to the Clerk.  Applications are accepted and considered for approval by Trustees throughout the year.  The trustees aim to inform each applicant of their decision within 4 weeks of the application being received.

How can organisations apply?

By email to the Clerk: secretary@willistrust.org